Liars Dice (大話骰) BETA

by 2guyfactory



Race to see who [lying] the best technology!

大話骰(「大話」是粵語中的「謊話」),又稱「步步高陞」,在台灣叫「吹牛」,是一種骰子遊戲。BETA_版本;為 Liars Dice - 大話骰的[中 / 英]體驗版,挑戰電腦模式,喜歡大話骰的朋友,可以優先體驗我們的設計,給我們多點建議,謝謝.Lying dice ( "Journey" is the Cantonese of "lie"), also known as "onward and upward", called "bragging" in Taiwan, is a dice game.BETA_ version; as Liars Dice - lying dice of [/ E] trial version, challenge the computer model, like lying dice friends, you can experience our priority to design, give us more suggestions, thank you._★除Bug英雄榜★_記錄玩家提出的Bug回報,感謝所有玩家一起參與測試.潘邦梃;回報規則bug,當x維持一樣時,y的基數必須要比之前的大.姜信兆;回報骰子操作異常問題.謝謝大家的與我們一起,讓這款遊戲更好.PS:除Bug英雄在我們的正式版推出時,將會獲得神秘獎勵的回饋唷.

Read trusted reviews from application customers


TheanLing Ping

Way more fun than I expected. I stayed away from it because of non-English writing but it does give English option when you install.

T Lowe

Keeps telling me I lost,when I clearly didn't lose!

glenn howerton